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How to Avoid Headaches best online health tips for everyone

Way to avoid headache
Nothing puts a dent in your day like carrying around a headache. Whether you suffer from tension headaches or migraines, headaches are no fun. In some situations, headaches can turn into a chronic, even debilitating problem. The causes of headaches are many, but if you can pinpoint what causes yours, you can learn how to avoid headaches altogether.
1. Reduce your stress. Whether you’re chronically stressed or anxiety is infrequent for you, one of the most common causes of headaches is stress. Take matters into your hands by identifying a possible stressor, and using stress management techniques to deal with it. These could vary from a bubble bath with aromatherapy to getting together with friends or sitting down and talking about your problems. Regardless of how you choose to deal with your stress, when you do you’ll likely notice a sharp decline in the number and severity of the headaches you experience.
2. Exercise more. The power of exercise is vast, and among the many things it is capable of doing is healing and preventing headaches. Aim for 30 minutes or more of exercise a day, including some cardio. Working out will release endorphins which improve your mood as well, so not only will your headaches go away, you’ll be extra happy as well.
3. Keep yourself hydrated . Not getting enough water on a daily basis can lead to a plethora of bodily issues, one of which is frequent headaches. Drink many fluids throughout the day, focusing on drinking mostly water. It takes your body about 24 hours to hydrate up, so drinking water won’t do much to get rid of an existing headache unfortunately. However, start a pattern of drinking 8 glasses or more of water a day and you’ll be reaping the headache- free benefits in the long run.
4. Get your beauty rest . No one feels top- notch running on less than six hours of sleep, but if you constantly are getting less than the required night’s worth of sleep or if you get a single night of significantly lacking sleep, you’re much more likely to experience a killer headache. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night; although it may take some adjusting of your schedule, your headaches will likely disappear. Suffering from a headache right now? Try taking a 30 minute cat nap to give your brain a bit of time to reboot.
5. Straighten out your diet. Your diet works in two parts: if you’re eating your meals at significantly different times each day or if you’re not eating a balanced diet, you may be experiencing headaches as a result. Start by setting firm times to eat each of your meals, with your last meal being no later than two hours before you head to bed at night. Additionally, work on incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids (like salmon).
6. Try aromatherapy . If you’re around bad smells all the time (or on the flip side, the scent of chemicals and harsh perfumes), aromatherapy might be a great solution to your headache problems. Incorporate light scents into your home or workplace like lavender or eucalyptus; both have shown to reduce the effects of headaches. You can also dab a little essential oil or cinnamon mixed into a paste with water onto your temples. This will work to reduce headaches you’re currently experiencing, while having the scents fill your home will work to prevent future headaches.
7. Have sex, if you can . Although this certainly isn’t an option for everyone, having sex with someone you love increases your endorphins and lowers the stress hormones responsible for causing headaches. If you’re not able to or comfortable with having sex, a little cuddling or physical touch with someone you like can help to reduce a current or future headache as well.
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